18/5/19: From Freud’s Second Topic to Lacan’s Subject of the Unconscious – Berjanet Jazani


Four public seminars on the theme of Ego, Ideal and Superego will take place throughout the year. No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and questions common to diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Saturday May 18, 2019

From Freud’s Second Topic to Lacan’s Subject of the Unconscious

Berjanet Jazani is a medical doctor and a practicing psychoanalyst in London.  She is a trustee and an analyst member of CFAR, where she teaches and supervises clinicians and candidates in training.  Forthcoming publications include: “Phoenix:  Faces of Desire” Routledge, 2019.  “Lacan, forbidden!” in Persian, 2019.  Smell: A research on the concept of Drive” and “The Unconscious: Never Explained”. 2020

 Attendance Fee: £15; students £10; staff and students at Bristol University free admittance.

Venue: Lecture Room 8, 21 Woodland Road, Clifton
Bristol BS8 1UB
Time: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
Registration: 9.30am on the day

Please address enquiries to
Elizabeth O’Loughlin at elizaariadne@blueyonder.co.uk
Jill Brown at mjillbrown@hotmail.com
Kurt Lampe at clkwl@bristol.ac.uk

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