28/01/23 CFAR Bristol Lectures: An Introduction to the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real – Christos Tombras


An Introduction to the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real

(Or was it the other way around?)

Speaker: Christos Tombras

Christos Tombras is a supervising psychoanalyst with a Lacanian orientation, practising in London. He lectures, runs workshops and facilitates reading groups; his main research interest is in a dialogue between continental philosophy and psychoanalysis.

No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and questions common to diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Book Tickets Here: www.eventbrite.com/e/an-introduction-to-the-imaginary-the-symbolic-and-the-real-tickets-486787934817

Bristol University staff & students: free admittance

Venue: Merchant Venturers Building, Room 1.11

Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB

Date: Saturday 28 January 2023

Time: 10am – 12 midday

Registration: 9.30am on the day

Please address enquiries to

Conor McCormack at cmccormack16@gmail.com

Kurt Lampe at clkwl@bristol.ac.uk

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