Tag Archives: superego

 Darian Leader – 22nd June 2019 Bristol – Ego-Ideal-Superego: what can we hope for?


Ego, Ideal, Superego

Four public seminars on the theme of Ego, Ideal and Superego will take place throughout the year. No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and questions common to diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Saturday, June 22, 2019 – DARIAN LEADER – Psychoanalyst

 Ego-Ideal-Superego: what can we hope for?

After distinguishing the concepts of ego, ideal and superego, we ask the question of how these can be changed – or not – during an analysis. Is the ego diminished or even abolished? Can the Ideal be challenged or displaced? And does the superego become harsher or less punitive? 

Attendance Fee: £15; students £10; staff and students at Bristol University free admittance.

Venue:  Merchant Ventures Building, Room 1.11, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB

Time: 10.00 am – 12.00 midday. Registration: 9.30am on the day

 Please address enquiries to

Elizabeth O’Loughlin at elizaariadne@blueyonder.co.uk

Jill Brown at mjillbrown@hotmail.com  

Kurt Lampe at clkwl@bristol.ac.uk

Ego, Ideal, Superego: CFAR & Bristol Uni Lectures 2018/2019


Ego, Ideal, Superego

Four public seminars on the theme of Ego, Ideal and Superego will take place throughout the year. No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and questions common to diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Saturday 20 October 2018
Speaker: Anouchka Grose

Saturday 16 February 2019
(speaker to be confirmed)

Saturday 18 May 2019
Speaker: Berjanet Jazani

Saturday 22 June 2019
Speaker: Darian Leader

Attendance Fee: £15; students £10; staff and students at Bristol University free admittance.
Venue: Merchant Venturers Building, Room 1.11
Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB
Time: 10am – 12 midday
Registration: 9.30am on the day

Please address enquiries to
Elizabeth O’Loughlin at elizaariadne@blueyonder.co.uk
Jill Brown at mjillbrown@hotmail.com
Kurt Lampe at clkwl@bristol.ac.uk

NB The Venue will be confirmed for each event as there may be changes.

What is Psychoanalysis? Part 4: The Ego, the Id and the Superego – Freud Museum

Ego Id Superego

A fractured self
The ego, the id and the superego
Why did Freud develop a new model?
Devils and angels
People fall ill of their moral ideals
A horse and a rider
The ego is like a politician
The goal of analysis is to stop the ego being so silly

More info: www.freud.org.uk/education/