Bristol, CFAR/Bristol University, Clinical Structures, Culture, Freud, mental health, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, talking treatment, Therapy

Public Lecture 26 11 2022 – CFAR & Bristol University ‘Who Am I?’ Psychoanalysis and Identity with Astrid Gessert

The Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research and Bristol University
Public Lecture Series 2022/2023

‘Who Am I?’ – Psychoanalysis and Identity with Astrid Gessert

Astrid Gessert is a psychoanalyst and a member of CFAR and of the
College of Psychoanalysts-UK. She has worked in the NHS, in
private practice and as a supervisor. She contributes regularly to the
CFAR public lecture and training programme and lectures and
facilitates seminars at other psychoanalytic organisations. She has
written articles and edited books on psychoanalytic concepts and
obsessional neurosis.

No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all
include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and
questions common to diverse currents in contemporary
psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Attendance Fee: £15; students £10 (cash only) staff and students
at Bristol University free admittance.

Venue: Merchant Venturers Building, Room 1.11
Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB
Date: Saturday, November 26, 2022
Time: 10am – 12 midday
Registration: 9.30am on the day

Please address enquiries to
Conor McCormack at
Kurt Lampe at

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