mental health

Bristol, CFAR/Bristol University, Clinical Structures, Culture, Freud, mental health, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, Queer Theory

CFAR/Bristol Uni: June 30th – Lacan’s of Clinical Structures – PERVERSION – Dr Anne Worthington


Lacan’s Concept of Clinical Structures

PERVERSION – Dr Anne Worthington, Psychoanalyst and Senior Lecturer Centre for Psychoanalysis, Middlesex University

Four public seminars on the topics of Neurosis (hysteria and obsession), Psychosis and Perversion will take place throughout the year. No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and questions common to diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Date: Saturday, June 30, 2018
Attendance Fee: £15 students £10
Bristol University students and staff : free of charge
Venue: Merchant Venturers Building, Room 1.11
Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB
Time: 10am – 12 midday
Registration: 9.15am on the day

Please address enquiries to
Elizabeth O’Loughlin at
Jill Brown at
Kurt Lampe at

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Bristol, CFAR/Bristol University, Clinical Structures, Culture, mental health, psychoanalysis, Psychosis, psychotherapy, talking treatment

May 12th – Lacan’s Concept of Clinical Structures: Psychosis – Alexandra Langley


Lacan’s Concept of Clinical Structures

May 12th 2018 – Psychosis – Alexandra Langley

Four public seminars on the topics of Neurosis (hysteria and obsession), Psychosis and Perversion will take place throughout the year. No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and questions common to diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Alexandra Langley is a psychoanalyst practising in Richmond. She is member of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research and of The College of Psychoanalysts – UK.

Date: Saturday, May 12, 2018

Attendance Fee: £15 students £10

Venue: (Please note venue change!) Lecturer Theatre 3; Arts Complex 3 – 5 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB

Time: 10am – 12 midday Registration: 9.15am on the day

Please address enquiries to

Elizabeth O’Loughlin at

Jill Brown at

Kurt Lampe at

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Bristol, CFAR/Bristol University, Clinical Structures, Culture, Feminism, Freud, mental health, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, talking treatment

3/2/18 CFAR & Bristol University Lecture: ‘Hysteria And Obsession’ by Julia Carne

Lacan’s Concept of Clinical Structures

Four public seminars on the topics of Neurosis (hysteria and
obsession), Psychosis and Perversion are taking place
during the year. No prior knowledge of Lacan is
assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples
involving the kind of problems and questions common to
diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and

Psychoanalyst CFAR & In private practice near Cambridge
Member of CFAR’s Training Committee

Date: February 3, 2018
Attendance Fee: £15 students £10
Bristol University Students and Staff: Free of charge
Venue: Merchant Venturers Building, Room 1.11
Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB
Time: 10am – 12 midday
Registration: 9.30am on the day

Please address enquiries to
Elizabeth O’Loughlin at
Jill Brown at
Kurt Lampe at

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Freud, mental health, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, talking treatment

Pope reveals he had weekly psychoanalysis sessions at age 42

Pope Francis has revealed that he sought the help of a psychoanalyst for six months when he was 42 and the leader of the Jesuit order in Argentina during the country’s military dictatorship.

The pope’s disclosure was made in a book based on 12 in-depth interviews with the French sociologist Dominique Wolton, to be published next week.

Francis said the weekly sessions with the psychoanalyst helped him a lot. “For six months, I went to her home once a week to clarify a few things. She was a doctor and psychoanalyst. She was always there,” he told Wolton for the 432-page book Pope Francis: Politics and Society.

[Read the rest of the article on the Guardian website]

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Bristol, CFAR/Bristol University, Clinical Structures, Culture, Freud, mental health, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, talking treatment

Lacan’s Concept of Clinical Structures – CFAR/Bristol University 2017/2018


Lacan’s Concept of Clinical Structures

Four public seminars on the topics of Neurosis (hysteria and obsession), Psychosis and Perversion will take place throughout the year.  No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and questions common to diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

THE STRUCTURES WE CALL CLINICAL – VINCENT DACHY – Psychoanalyst in London and member of CFAR; NLS and WAP

 Date:  Saturday, October 7, 2017

Attendance Fee: £15 students £10

Venue: Merchant Venturers Building, Room 1.11

Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB

Time: 10am – 12 midday

Registration: 9.15am on the day

 Please address enquiries to

Elizabeth O’Loughlin at

Jill Brown at  

Kurt Lampe at

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Bristol, CFAR/Bristol University, Culture, Freud, mental health, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, talking treatment, Writing

3rd CFAR/Bristol University Lecture: ‘Repetition’ with Darian Leader


 Lacan’s Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis.

 Four public seminars on the topics of transference, the unconscious, repetition and the drive will take place throughout the year. No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and questions common to diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

REPETITION with DARIAN LEADER Psychoanalyst and Author

Date:  June 10, 2017

Attendance Fee: £15 students £10

Venue: Merchant Venturers Building, Room 1.11

Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB

Time: 10am – 12 midday

Registration: 9.15am on the day

 Please address enquiries to

Elizabeth O’Loughlin at

Jill Brown at 

Kurt Lampe at

 Future date: July 1, 2017. The Drive

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Bristol, CFAR/Bristol University, Freud, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, talking treatment

2nd CFAR & Bristol University Public Lecture: The Unconscious – Astrid Gessert – March 4th 2017







Lacan’s Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis.

Four public seminars on the topics of transference, the unconscious, repetition and the drive will take place throughout the year. No prior knowledge of Lacan is assumed and the seminars will all include clinical examples involving the kind of problems and questions common to diverse currents in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.


Astrid Gessert is a Psychoanalyst, a member of CFAR and the College of Psychoanalysts. She is a regular contributor to the CFAR Public Lecture and Training Programme

Date: March 4, 2017

Attendance Fee: £15 students £10

Venue: Merchant Venturers Building, Room 1.11

Woodland Road, BristolBS8 1UB

Time: 10am – 11.45am

Registration: 9.30am on the day

Please address enquiries to

Elizabeth O’Loughlin at

Jill Brown at

Kurt Lampe at

Future dates: June 10, 2017: Repetition & July 1, 2017: The Drive

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Artistic process, Culture, mental health, Music, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, talking treatment, Writing

Psychoanalyst & Author Anouchka Grose on life, training and practice as a psychoanalyst.

Recorded at the launch event of Lambeth and Southwark MIND psychotherapy clinic, psychoanalyst and author Anouchka Grose talks with Ajay Khandelwal about her life, the difficulties that took her into analysis as well as her subsequent training and practice as a psychoanalyst.

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DSM, mental health, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, talking treatment

Darian Leader on Psychosis introduced by Ajay Khandelwal

Introduced by Ajay Khandelwal, psychoanalyst Darian Leader gives the Lambeth and Southwark MIND Psychotherapy Clinic 2016 Annual Lecture – On Psychosis.

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Freud, mental health, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, talking treatment

Therapy Wars: The Revenge of Freud – Guardian Article by Oliver Burkeman

therapy wars

[Click here to visit the Guardian site and read Oliver Burkeman’s article.]

Cheap and effective, CBT became the dominant form of therapy, consigning Freud to psychology’s dingy basement. But new studies have cast doubt on its supremacy – and shown dramatic results for psychoanalysis. Is it time to get back on the couch?

“…researchers at London’s Tavistock clinic published results in October from the first rigorous NHS study of long-term psychoanalysis as a treatment for chronic depression. For the most severely depressed, it concluded, 18 months of analysis worked far better – and with much longer-lasting effects – than “treatment as usual” on the NHS, which included some CBT. Two years after the various treatments ended, 44% of analysis patients no longer met the criteria for major depression, compared to one-tenth of the others.”

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